Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Larimar - Almost as lovely as a Caribbean sky...

Larimar is another single source gemstone,but this one comes from a location that is a lot closer to home, at least for me. This beautiful semi-precious gem whose pattern and color mimmic the blue skies and beautiful cloud formations found in the Caribbean, can be found at local retailers, jewelry and gem shows, and through our friends at Jewelry Television. At the present, Larimar only comes from the Dominican Republic. Unlike opal or chrome diopside, Larimar has not been designated as a birthstone. 

Incidentally, this bright and delicate gem is the result of violent processes at extremely high temperatures. Larimar stone is found only in the volcanic areas of Dominican Republic and geologists suggest that as the molten lava got pushed to the edge of the chimneys of the volcano, exposure to outer atmosphere caused crystallization. Over a period of a thousand years the crystallized rocks started to unwrap. Erosion and natural polishing resulted in lovely blue stones initially showing up on the beaches of the Bahoruco River.
The actual mine is in Barahona, several kilometers north of the main road from Barahona to Bahoruco. The road is very steep and hilly and is not passable without a four wheel drive vehicle. There is also no signage posted so if you do not know where you are going, you will have a very difficult time finding the mine. 

 Aside from that, like many areas of the remote Dominican countryside, the structures in the area surrounding the mine are mostly small, poorly constructed houses and huts. Most of their occupants are men that are employed in the larimar mines and their families. These men usually begin working in the mines at a very young age. As there is not much other opportunity, the mines provide some stability and though the men earn little money, it is enough to allow them and their families to live a simple lifestyle. 

I'm not exactly tuned in to most of the mythology around gemstones, but it is fun to read and reminds me of my misspent youth, lava lamps, and black light posters. So here goes...

Larimar is considered a healing stone, and said to be finely tuned to the human body particularly to the throat area. The belief is that Larimar increases speech and communication skills and supports the body's natural healing process. Larimar is also called the Atlantis Stone, because a Spiritual Master who lived in Trinidad and Tobago and who founded Yoga Centers across the world, claimed that some islands in the Caribbean including the Dominican Republic were part of the lost continent of Atlantis.

Scientifically, Larimar or Blue Pectolite is unique in its mineral and chemical make-up. Copper is the cause of blue color in the stone. That is the only connection of Larimar to beautiful blue stone known as Turquoise. Sodium calcium silicate with a copper ion is the chemical description of Larimar. All I know is that Larimar is a beautiful and affordable semi-precious gemstone. I only own one piece, but it's only January and that leaves me 335 shopping days until Christmas......suhweet!

Happy Trails to my fellow rock hounds....


1 comment:

  1. Larimar stone collection looks so attractive & superb. So it's really so amazing one. Well! I want to take the collection of Larimar stone. If you want to wear the design of Larimar stone with various colour then you can look unique & attractive.
